Call for symposia of IUMRS-ICAM 2017
Symposium proposal application form
The purpose of the International union of materials research society-International conference of advanced materials (IUMRS-ICAM) 2017 is to promote the materials research in terms of sustainability, green life, advanced materials and technical innovation. IUMRS-ICAM 2017 will continue the tradition of previous IUMRS-ICAM conferences with technical paper presentations, invited speakers, forums, poster sessions, award competitions, and exhibit programs. IUMRS-ICAM 2017 will include following scopes for presenters.
IUMRS-ICAM 2017 welcomes proposal of symposia which satisfy with aforementioned scopes.
’To develop international collaboration using the opportunity of IUMRS-ICAM 2017, about half of organizers of each symposium must consist of overseas scientists.'
The deadline of proposal of symposium is 29th February 201608th April 2016. Please down load the proposal form from this website and submit it to the secretariat of IUMRS ICAM 2017.
Email address of secretariat:
Symposium proposal application form
Nobel Laureate Prof. SUZUKI special symposium
Superconducting materials and applications
Thermoelectric materials for sustainable development - ACT2017 (AAT)
Materials frontier for transparent advanced electronics
Magnetic oxide thin films and hetero-structures
Synthesis of functional materials for next generation innovative devices applications
Eco-product session
First circular
Flyer (Second circular / Call for papers)