All presentations in IUMRS-ICA 2017 are invited to submit papers in Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan as regular papers or review papers.To submit your paper, go to:
We prefer that you submit your manuscript by the end of January, 2018. However, the system (ScholarOne) will accept manuscripts even after January 31, 2018. If you want to submit your manuscript after January 31, 2018, we would recommend you to consult the corresponding organizer of your symposium.
Page charge in this case is shown in Table 1. The page charge will be paid by paper’s corresponding author after the publication. This charge includes (1) PDF file of the paper and (2) 25 reprints of the paper, which will be sent to the paper’s corresponding author. A copy of the issue is not included in this charge. If a copy of the issue is needed, please specify it in your Page Charge Form. A copy of the issue will be 3,000yen.
If the paper is a review paper submitted by “Invited speaker or Keynote speaker,” then there will be no page charge. Please indicate the fact that you are invited speaker and the paper is review paper when you submit your review paper. In this case, color pages are printed in color only in CD version of Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan.
Table 1. Page Charge for papers related to IUMRS-ICAM 2017 presentation
No. of pages* | 1-4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
charge | ¥25,000 | ¥35,000 | ¥45,000 | ¥55,000 | ¥65,000 |
* The page charge for “Invited paper(regular paper)” is ¥25,000 up to 6 pages and for extra pages ¥10,000 per page is added.
This charge is optional. For reprint with cover sheet, add ¥10,000 to the charge shown in Table 2. If color page(s) exit(s) and if you want to print the page(s) in color, ¥30,000 per color page should be added to the charge shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Reprint Charge
No. of pages* | 1-4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
50 reprints | ¥6,000 | ¥8,000 | ¥8,000 | ¥10,000 | ¥10,000 | ¥12,000 | ¥12,000 |
100 reprints | ¥10,000 | ¥12,000 | ¥12,000 | ¥14,000 | ¥14,000 | ¥16,000 | ¥16,000 |
100 reprints | ¥14,000 | ¥16,000 | ¥16,000 | ¥18,000 | ¥18,000 | ¥20,000 | ¥20,000 |
200 reprints | ¥18,000 | ¥20,000 | ¥20,000 | ¥22,000 | ¥22,000 | ¥24,000 | ¥24,000 |
Color page(s) in the paper will be printed as color page(s) in CD version of Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan regardless of color pages payment. In printed version of Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan, the color page(s) will be treated in two different ways. If additional ¥30,000/color page is paid, then the paper will be printed in color in printed version of Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan and in reprint. If additional ¥30,000/color page is not paid, the paper will be printed in black and white in printed version of Trans. Mat. Res. Soc. Japan and in reprint,